Sunday, August 9, 2020


 ...hi. What in the world is time? It's been around four years, hasn't it? My only excuse is life in general. I won't go into details because it would feel like forever. But,I will say it has been nice reading through this and my old blog. 

A list of my life,shall we?

YouTube gaming playthroughs have taken over my life.

Garlic pizza is King.

A little orange tabby cat I've written about before is now 21.

I have found a love for bright colors and tacky aesthetics.

And I have an all new camera that I've never even used for this blog!

Well. I guess I'll keep it at that. Maybe you'll see me again?


Saturday, January 30, 2016

List of My Life

Things I have been up to:

Buying waaaaaay too many books.
Expanding my ring collection.
Collecting new coats from the thrift store.
Organizing my toy collections (HAH!).
Eating pizza.  ^-^
Crocheting random amigurumi.

Along with other things going on in my life. So,how was your day?

Wednesday, September 23, 2015


Happy Autumn Equinox! I hope everyone is having a cheerful day,full of Autumn goodness. I'm sitting here,sipping herbal tea while surfing the internet. It is about 72 or so degrees Fahrenheit,and it was pretty clear out today. I have a new episode of Ghost Hunters to look forward to tonight,and I hope it is a good one! Also,I would like to bid a fond farewell to the late,great Yogi Berra.whom passed away yesterday at the age of 90. Rest in peace.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Nail Polish Pain...

...I can't find a nice shade of grey in nail polish that is,at most,$3.00 anywhere! Sorry,I just had to vent.

What am I doing?

Friday, September 11, 2015


Can you sense it? The lingering,early presence of Autumn? I can...I can indeed.

Halloween is calling........

Sunday, September 6, 2015


Hi! So,it is 7:25 pm here,and my Mom is currently preparing dinner. Now onto another topic about my Mom....she isn't into cleaning too much at one time,considering her current health status....but recently,something snapped. She has been cleaning the kitchen sooo much,that we have now thrown out FOUR WHOLE BAGS of trash! That is insane...but so worthwhile! Anywho,I have been in an organization mood lately (you know,when I haven't been melting from the current heat wave) and I have been contemplating how to display my toys.

I have a rather vast variety of differing tastes in toy collecting,so here is a short list:

My Little Pony-modern and vintage
Littlest Pet Shop-mostly older versions
Smurfs-fairly recent collection,mostly featuring Brainy
Vintage & Modern Dolls-Monster High,Bratz,Barbie,Disney Princess
Care Bears-modern and vintage
Winnie the Pooh-mostly stuff that reminds me of my childhood

and many others. I am currently trying to decide on which one to start out with....the largest being My Little Pony. Well,I suppose that is it!

Friday, September 4, 2015


Hi,Internet,I have decided something. I am going to try my hardest to make this a regularly updated blog! I have been into collecting toys a fair bit recently,so I'm thinking of doing my own independent toy reviews,and I also go to the thrifts fairly often so I believe there might be a haul or two! I'll also be doing life updates and such. For the first life update,I have been working with my parents to clean out my Grandfather's old home. He turned 90 years old this year and they decided that it was for the best to move him into a nursing home. So,basically we have to move out most of the items from his house so it can be sold.

My Dad decided to take me up to his home to take photos the other day....and I took about eighty or so photos....overkill,maybe? I basically wanted to make a memory book for my Mom,including all of the photos of his home and yard. She rather enjoyed them,actually! So,here are a couple of random photos I took.....obviously not all of the photos.  ^-^

One of his two beautiful apple trees...

a daisy in a cage...

a solitary buttercup...

and a fairly nice photo of the lawnshowing the rays of the sun,shining through the trees. All that is left in the house that my Dad needs to pick up are all of the pieces of furniture,and a couple sawhorses. Anywho,I leave off here,and I hope you all have a pleasant evening!